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FROM: Fiyori Yemane
MESSAGE REF: #5346157

SUBJECT LINE: Performance Concerns

Hi team,

I just received Ida’s storyboards for the teaser and they’re all cool, really cool ideas happening there but I have a few concerns from a practical perspective.

At this point none of my team have had any training with the tiger, and putting it in such close proximity to the actors is going to be extremely risky. I have some experience with animal stunts from working on Look They’re Here but there’s a big difference between working with foxes and tigers.

Also! The vehicle sequence! I’ve had no word from choreography or blocking as to how this is going to work in actuality, and they’re not answering their phone. Again, putting any of my team in a burning vehicle and asking them to jump a gap is going to be phenomenally dangerous.

I think that production might have a fundamental misunderstanding about the purpose of a stunt team. As much as we’d like to pretend, we haven’t been gifted any supernatural powers of resilience; when you put us next to a tiger, it is an actual tiger. When you set a car on fire, those flames are going to be warm.

I think that the recent weeks have shown this isn’t the safest workplace; I’d like to avoid as many future accidents as possible. Either we need storyboard revisions, or we need better safety measures as we get this done.

By the way, if any of us do have to jump a burning car across a gap, I hope we land in Steve’s office.

Stunt Coordination

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