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FROM: Ida St John
MESSAGE REF: #5346151

SUBJECT LINE: Re: Ida St John And Storyboard Art

Hey, hello, logistics team? I’m here, I’m here, I was doing storyboards all day and my office filled up with paper because storyboards are the worst thing to do and so I took a walk to the break room which was closed because of some sort of chemical leak so

I’m here. Look. I’ve got about three boards done and attached them here but I know we need more. I’ve sent the actual paper copies over to your office, Juliet, but some of them got a bit chewed up after I scanned them.

Please don’t panic, I’m going to get back to them just as soon as I can work out some way of getting my office door open.

All deadlines can be pushed back, right? Right? All deadlines can be pushed back?



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