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FROM: Juliet Busque
MESSAGE REF: #5346132

SUBJECT LINE: Ida St John And Storyboard Art

Hi all,

Don’t mean to cause any stress here but has anybody seen Ida St John around? She’s not answering any of my emails and I don’t think she’s joined the strike.

I only ask because, you know, we’ve got a storyboard deadline coming up in a few hours and I haven’t seen even a single one.

I tried her office but the door wouldn’t open all the way and all I could see through the gap was a great deal of paper.

Again, storyboard deadline is three actual hours from now, three hours. We are getting perilously close to things kicking off.

So. Ida? Anybody seen Ida? With a follow-up question: who here can draw storyboards really quite quickly?


Juliet Busque

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