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FROM: Rebecca Tackett
MESSAGE REF: #5345993
SUBJECT LINE: I am stepping down.
This is not a message I ever wanted to have to write.
Following recent events, I have come to the decision that I have no choice but to step down until a compromise is reached. Unique and difficult challenges are an inevitability in our chosen profession, but things have been spiralling out of control for too long now, and we haven’t even gone live yet.
Blame lies here, I feel, with a series of decisions made by management that have led to a breakdown in communication between departments and a number of easily avoidable accidents.
This cannot be allowed to continue.
I understand that some may see a Security Chief stepping down as exacerbating the problem. This might be the case. But if industrial action is the only way to move past these difficulties, so be it.
Our workplace means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. I am tremendously excited about the production.
But the people calling the shots have to do better, and they have to know we won’t stand for it.
Rebecca Tackett
Security Chief