Welcome back, Elizabeth Martinez
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MESSAGE REF: #5345777

SUBJECT LINE: The Show Must Go On!

That’s the saying, right? The show must go on? It’s - hey, look, it’s buried in about sixteen layers of cliche now but I think that at a time like this, there’s really a sort of central message that we can draw from it.

Which is that taking everything into account, we don’t really have an option here. We can’t just say “alright, I’m out” like some people have been doing. We can’t do that. We can’t shut down. For financial reasons and also, I think, sort of “basic laws of the universe” reasons.

And I know that things have been hard, lately. And part of the blame there lies with me, but only part of it. Other bits of the blame lie with Wildlife Preparation or Flooding Control or Pyrotechnics. Or Physics Control. Or Weapons Testing.

The show must go on. We can do this. There will be plenty of time for working out exactly who you want to sue once we’re done.



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